Featured image of post It's raining cats and dogs

It's raining cats and dogs


Hello, again
It’s been over 2 years since I’ve ghosted this place, it was so long that I think whoever set a foot in this, had already forgotten about it. So this is a good time to start writing again.
how have your life in the last 2 years?

I intended to publish something in the middle of last year when, our beloved Saigon was raining cats and dogs outside my windows (hence, => the title). But then I lost the vibe, I was so stuck and fell into existential crisis 😅😅. Actually, I sometimes did blogging, but after re-reading those posts, seems like they were just stream of messy thoughts that make no sense et all, so I keep them in my pocket. Now along with raindrops that keep falling, I’m back.

Anyway, as the original purpose of this website, I use it to post some of my crappy things and practicing English, I was expect no reader, but there’s still some reponses sent to my anonymous form, some I know the senders, some I’m not sure, but thank for your messages. I really mean it.

There are a lot of things has happened in our world lately, huh? I’m still alive, and you may noticed, the website theme has also changed, that is the least thing I could do for this small corner of the world.
Somehow I can’t accept the truth that my time is burning that fast. By the time I was 22, I wanted to fix the world, now at 28, I just want to fix myself, and that’s a sad good thing. I’m now working on some projects that I’ve been thinking too much about.

Originally, I’ve wanted to write a lot in this ‘come back’ post with all updates of how I’ve been in the last couple years and then discussing the current state of the world. But then I thought, who the hell gonna read all that? long post is not a thing (1%), and beside, yes, I was lazy again (99%) 😅. so let’s keep it short for the sake of peace, and hey, checkout for other new posts as well 😉

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